You can listen to this playlist while you read, if you'd like. It's the one of the ones I was listening to while I edited this post
I want to have a purpose behind what I'm doing with this blog. Not in an anxiety-inducing way of everything I say has got to be incredible and profound. I just mean I want to provide some kind of benefit to anyone who takes the time out of their day to read what I have written here.
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Homey and full of pretty things. Peaceful and slower.
I said in my 2024 goals post that I'd love to be able to post frequently on this blog, and while I still hold that wish, I hold it a tad more loosely now. I don't want to be speaking when I have nothing to say. I know algorithms and social media growth experts stress the importance of regular posting, but... I'm just not interested in following that advice at the cost of peace for myself and at the cost of overflowing peoples' feeds and email inboxes with information and updates that are unnecessary or worthless.
I've been thinking a lot about Anne of Green Gables recently, and I think what's endearing me to it right now is the daily rhythms of life. How people just greeted and fully lived in each day and season of life that came. There were big goals, yes: Gilbert was studying to be a doctor, Anne desired to get her bachelor's. But each book was a season of life and days were lived in the present. I want to live my life more like the ways they did back then.
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And the world wasn't perfect in the late 1800s, I'm not romanticizing the bad parts of those times. I'm just acknowledging that I think we've lost something in the age of short form content. Blogs posts and YouTube videos have to be posted weekly, and for other platforms, like TikTok or Instagram, every few days or daily. And I am not looking down on anyone who posts that much, I just think for me, it's too much information to keep up with as a consumer. And as a creator, I wonder how do you come up with something fresh and new to say so often? And most importantly, how do you come up with something to say so often that matters?
I've been reading books a lot more recently, and I have found more true, more genuine wisdom and insights within these books than on online platforms. Whether the books are fiction or non-fiction. And I think the reason is that books and other long form content has to be sat with, poured over for months and, more often than not, years. Writers spend time combing through the prose of their work, spend time analyzing the philosophy and message behind what they're saying. I just don't think the same care is being put into our online platforms because what we produce has to be out faster. And, yes, there are some exceptions to what I've just said. You may have come across some people online who truly have something worthwhile to say each week that impacts, intrigues, or encourages you. And there are also those who write books on deadline and have to get the project out within a matter of months and therefore must rush matters and the work comes out a tad sloppy. There's nuance to many things.
I'd also like to note that with slice of life anime and Anne of Green Gables, the beauty isn't only in the lessons we're to take from the stories. It's also in the aesthetic of the stories. The mere featuring of nature, good food, and simple living. So to take this into the online realm, I really like watching Korean YouTubers simply prepare food! They often have nature sounds or quiet music playing and I just find it really calming. I also love pictures on Pinterest because I get story ideas from them. So there is definitely wriggle room to decide what is worthwhile to you to consume online. And what is worthwhile to you to post.
Moving Forward
I'm thinking I'm going to be using this blog to post just art reviews from now on, with occasional cover reveals and other promotion for projects that are being done in the Christian artist community.
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And you'll hear from me every time I have something new to talk about with you!
Along with that, I'm also going to try and make each post pretty! As slice of life anime, Anne of Green Gables vibes as I can make them, lol!
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Launching my Artist Newsletter
Remember last year when I announced I was going to begin publishing short stories online? Well, I'm going to be using that same publication I started on Substack and turning it into my artist newsletter! The three part short story that I finished will remain up in my Substack archives.
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So while over here I'll be posting art reviews, on my newsletter I'll be sending out more introspective posts like this one. I may discuss my thoughts on different aspects of the creative process, and also share updates on where I am in my artist journey. And the same philosophy of posting when I have something worthwhile to say (even if it's just hi!), and making it Anne of Green Gables, slice of life anime vibes applies to my newsletter, too!
Here's the link to it if that sounds like something you'd like to sign up for! It's private as of the publishing of this blog post, but just input your email and I'll approve you be signed up! You'll also have access to that three part short story! It's about a former child warrior during the first few days/weeks after a great war has ended.
Why I Chose to Write About This
I chose to write about my current thoughts on blogging and platforms just in case anyone else has been thinking along the same lines recently, and was wondering what others were doing in the wake of those thoughts. This post is for the someone who perhaps genuinely likes blogging or YouTube because it's fun or because they're trying to make connections, but they don't fancy burn out or contributing to the chaotic clamor of voices talking about nothing, as Lecrae said in one of his older songs. 😉
If similar thoughts have been swirling around in your noggin, I'd love to chat with you in the comments below. You can also use the contact form on my homepage as well!
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Well, that's all for today's post! I hope you have a blessed day and are able to make time to focus on the moments happening right now. You are SO loved!!
-the hopeful pen.
"The LORD bless you, and keep you. The LORD make his face to shine on you,
and be gracious to you. The LORD lift up his face toward you,
and give you peace."
Numbers 6:24-26
Photo attribution:
1. Photo by John-Mark Strange on Unsplash
2. Photo by Achim Ruhnau on Unsplash
3. Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash
4. Photo by Ranurte on Unsplash
5. Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash
6. Photo by Jessica Fadel on Unsplash
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